Little Secrets – Anne Semaille

© Emilie Divet – –

This issue of Nobodaddy accompanies research on the theme of the next Congress.

The organised hierarchical world of the patriarchy is in trouble. From the vacant place left by the father something is coming back, let us not shun from the pleasure of interpreting it.

Thus, Enric Berenguer allows us to grasp, through revolutions, different versions of the father of jouissance. The father nowadays so decried would make way for an enjoying being without the slightest obscurity. Does he always come back to the same place for wanting him to be as other ? Doesn’t critique precisely provoke the very thing it denounces ? Leaving, then, little room for interpretation.

This is precisely what Clotilde Leguil offers us, an interpretation of the critique of patriarchy. Indeed, not without bringing Lacan’s light to it, she makes it a reading of the weight of language, the language that people speak[1]. More precisely, she highlights the shift from the signifier paternalism to that of patriarchy. The latter, criticised, resonates with abuse of power, and this, in a radical way. The claim to enjoyment as a new mode is imposed. This is a text that we will continue reading next week.

Anne Colombel-Plouzennec also testifies to this claim to enjoyment from another angle. She focuses on the proliferation of methods in search of imaginary reference points that are invading the field of personal development as many solutions in which parents exasperated by terrible children could be rushed into. Against the backdrop of the erasure of the patriarchal norm and a weakened symbolic law, coaching is becoming parental, she writes. Her text is, moreover, a fine invitation to pay attention to what will happen during the seventh edition[2] of the Institut psychanalytique de l’enfant on March 18.

Marie-Josée Raybaud, based on the novel « Living and Lying in Tehran », shows how the little secrets[3] that makes up the most intimate part of each person enable to invent a « mode of survival so that desire can resist the ‟iron order” ». You can read how the young Morteza copes with the father-figures (père-sonnages) within his family, his communities, his country.

Whether one feels impregnated with the Woke discourse or finds it necessary to return to tradition, with all the possible nuances, psychoanalysis takes into account the upheaval and its effects on the subjects. It offers the possibility, through what makes the most singular mark of each of us, to grasp the invention that allows us to lead our lives, invention as a gain of knowledge, far from societal ideals, far from our own. Not without interpretation, therefore. In order to find ourselves on occasion with desire, with reality.

The four contributors to this newsletter remind us that the answers, if they are in the register of invention, are not outside the temporality of a society, not without the relationship to others.

From this batch, it is up to you to glean stones and paths[4].

Translation : Adeena Mey
Proofread : Tracy Hoijer-Favre

Picture : © Emilie Divet –

[1] Cf. Lacan J. (based on), « De la structure comme immixtion d’une altérité préalable à un sujet quelconque.
Conference in Baltimore, 1966 », La Cause du désir, November 2016, n°94.
[2] The seventh Edition of the Institut de l’enfant will be held on March 18, 2023 in person at the Palais des congrès in Issy-les-Moulineaux under the title Exasperated parents- terrible children,
[3] Cf. Lacan J., The Seminar, livre XIX, …ou pire, text established by J.-A. Miller, Paris, Seuil, 2011, p. 116.
[4] Cf. Miller J.-A., « L’os d’une cure », Paris, Navarin, 2018.

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